This project is based on two fundamental concepts: deconstruction and time.
Human beings, in most cases, deconstruct to obtain the material they need to subsequently build. In this case, the "marés" quarries are formations created by humans for the extraction of stone blocks, which in Mallorca have been and continue to be used for the construction of houses, monuments, temples... Hence the title of the project: Inverted Cathedrals. The quarries, deconstructed spaces, are in themselves singular places. Instead of resulting in visual pollution, they present themselves to us in a spectacular way, as if they were temples.
Time marks the rhythm of human passage on Earth, of the evolution of life. With this project, we aim to show how humans are capable of performing acts that endure much longer, visible in contrast to the brief period of time we spend on this planet.
To capture these two concepts together in photographs, we have opted for long-exposure photography: the quarries, lasting over time, are shown spectacularly, firm, and completely clear in contrast to people who appear as fleeting flashes.